Delta County Fair 2019: Congrats to Our Longest Active Customer!

Delta County FairOn August 7, 2019, Gerald and I traveled to Hotchkiss for the Delta County Fair.

A few months before that, 4-H member Trey and his father, Bill, had come to pick up the wether they’d chosen for this year: Simba.

Simba growing up.

Simba growing up.

Bill & Trey getting ready to take Simba home.

Bill & Trey getting ready to take Simba home.

On the morning of fair day, we were up early and had to hurry around with chores here at home, as Delta had changed their show time from 1:00 PM in the afternoon to 10:00 AM in the morning!

The good thing about the change was that it wasn’t nearly as hot at that time of day. :o)

Delta County has a very active goat community. In fact, there were so many goats entered that they had to divide the classes up as follows:

  • Senior Showmanship—divided into two waves

  • Intermediate Showmanship Class—divided into three waves

  • Junior Showmanship class divided into two waves

Here is Trey with Simba in the Senior Showmanship class. On the far right, the judge is checking Simba out and talking to Trey. Trey’s Dad, Bill (standing back and observing), was helping the kids line up their goats. You can see him in the ring as well.

Judge checking Simba.

Judge checking Simba.

Look how nicely Simba stands in this picture. You can tell Trey has worked with him as he is standing just like he is supposed to.

Trey showing Simba in Senior Showmanship class.

Trey showing Simba in Senior Showmanship class.

Most of the market classes had between 8 and 10 entries so the competition was stiff. Trey’s goat Simba weighed 75 pounds, so he had 9 other goats competing against him.

Here is Trey in his Market Goat class (far left).

Trey showing Simba in Market Goat class.

Trey (far left) showing Simba in Market Goat class.

Again, Simba is standing just like he needs too with Trey (though this time Simba turned his head a bit more my way!). They looked great out there.

Trey and Simba in Market Goat class.

Trey and Simba in Market Goat class.

It’s always a lot of fun to go to Hotchkiss and see Trey and his family as he is our longest active goat customer. We have watched him grow up to be the fine young man he is today.

Congratulations to you Trey, and hope to see you again next year.

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What Happened at the Eagle County Fair 2019?

The Eagle County Fair took place in Eagle, Colorado, on July 25,2019.

I was super excited to attend as I had never been to this particular fair. For Gerald, it involved a fun trip down memory lane, since he used to show his animals at this same fair back in the 1960’s!

As we got off the exit at Eagle, we spotted the nifty looking Eagle Diner, so we stopped there for some lunch. It was such a neat little diner and the food was delicious, plus we enjoyed this piece of wisdom written on the sign near the entrance.

Eagle Diner.

Eagle Diner.

Chalkboard in entryway of Eagle Diner.

Chalkboard in entryway of Eagle Diner.














Then down the road we went to the fair grounds. It was fun to watch Gerald’s eyes pop when he saw their beautiful new Event Center where all the shows are held. Quite a change from when he used to show!

Entryway of the Eagle River Center.

Entryway of the Eagle River Center.

The entire goat show was inside the building, so the rain or heat didn’t bother any of the people or the animals. Just pure comfort for all.

Show ring inside the Eagle River Center.

Show ring inside the Eagle River Center.

We found our 4-H customers and they took us over to see their beautiful animals. They had taken excellent care of them all, we could see. They had really grown! Plus they were groomed to perfection and ready to show.

The first class was Senior Showmanship. Here are Jacob in the purple shirt with The Duke (a.k.a Ju Ju) following Hannah with Scout, both on the back side of the ring in this photo.

Look at The Duke (Ju Ju) prancing along with his head held high. Is he THE DUKE ready to ride off into a western movie or is he JU JU the famous wide receiver for the Pittsburgh Steelers ready to run the football field for a touchdown?

We thought both were fitting!

Jacob in purple w-The Duke (a.k.a Ju Ju), and Hannah in front with Scout.

Jacob in purple with The Duke (a.k.a. Ju Ju), and Hannah in front with Scout.

The Junior Showmanship included Lizzy with her goat San Antonio and Isaac with his goat Won Ton. San Antonio was not being very cooperative. We wanted to give him a good buzz in the butt! But he’s not the rearing outlaw here in the front. Lizzy is at the back of the ring.

Isaac with Won Ton and Lizzy w-San Antonio.

Isaac with Won Ton (front left) and Lizzy in the back behind him with San Antonio.

The first Market Goat Class was quite large. These were goats weighing from 58 to 65 pounds. Isaac entered with Won Ton, Hannah with Scout, and their brother Jacob with Isaac’s other goat, Steamed Rice.

Isaac with Won Ton, Hannah with Scout, and Jacob with Steamed Rice.

Isaac (left) with Won Ton, Hannah (center) with Scout, and Jacob (right) with Steamed Rice.

The Judge pulled Isaac out of the line up and asked him to stand to the side all by himself. It looked like he was wondering what he had done to deserve that!

Isaac wondering, "What happened?"

Isaac wondering, “What happened?”

Next, the judge pulled Hannah aside, then one of the other competitors, and then Jacob, and then on down the line.

Isaac and Won Ton, Hannah and Scout, and Jacob in purple with Steamed Rice.

L to R: Isaac and Won Ton, Hannah and Scout, another competitor, and Jacob in purple with Steamed Rice.

As you can see from the picture above, Isaac—who by the way is in his FIRST year of showing goats—took 1st place with Won Ton!

Isaac: "Hey, I WON!"

Isaac: “Hey, I WON!”

Hannah took 2nd place with Scout and Isaac’s other goat Steamed Rice (with Jacob) came in 4th.

Isaac and Won Ton with 1st place , Hannah and Scout with 2nd place.

Isaac and Won Ton with 1st place , Hannah and Scout with 2nd place.

Jacob with Isaac's other goat, Steamed Rice: 4th place.

Jacob with Isaac’s other goat, Steamed Rice: 4th place.

That was quite an accomplishment for a first year, Isaac! Congratulations and keep up the good work. Congratulations to Hannah as well for her 2nd place, and thank you to Jacob for stepping in to help little brother!

The Middleweight Market Goats class was next with goats weighing from 67 to 73 pounds. Hannah was in this class with Honey and Jacob with Harden.

Jacob with Harden and Hannah with Honey.

Jacob with Harden (far left) and Hannah with Honey (middle).

Jacob came in 3rd with Harden and Hannah came in 6th with Honey.

Jacob showing Harden.

Jacob showing Harden.

Jacob and Harden with 3rd-place ribbon.

Jacob and Harden with 3rd-place ribbon.

The final Market Goat Class included goats from 89 to 100 pounds. Jacob was in this class with The Duke (Ju Ju) and Lizzy with San Antonio.

Jacob with The Duke (Ju Ju).

Jacob with The Duke (Ju Ju).

Lizzy showing San Antonio.

Lizzy (center) showing San Antonio.

Jacob in line with The Duke (Ju Ju).

Jacob in line (second from right) with The Duke (Ju Ju).

After some deliberation and moving goats around, the Judge gave Jacob and his goat The Duke (Ju Ju) first place. Way to go Jacob.

Jacob & The Duke (Ju Ju) moved to first place.

Jacob & The Duke (Ju Ju) moved to first place.

That goat is a real beauty!

Jacob and The Duke (Ju Ju) with the 1st-place ribbon.

Jacob and The Duke (Ju Ju) with the 1st-place ribbon.

Lizzy’s goat was very uncooperative but even with that, she placed 5th in this highly competitive class. Congratulations to you too, Lizzy. Not too many kids would have been as patient as you were with that bratty goat!

Moving on to the Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion Class. Only 8 goats qualified to compete. Three of those had come from Swan View Ranch, now owned and shown by the same family, which says a great deal for the fine care those goats received after they left our ranch.

Grand Champion line up w-Jacob; Isaac & Hannah

Grand Champion lineup with Jacob (left purple), Isaac (near-right black), and Hannah to the right of Isaac.

Gerald and I both commented on what fine young people these four kids are and after getting to know their parents, we could certainly see why. As they say—the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

Great family! From left to right, Lizzy, Jacob, Hanna, Mom, and Dad, with Isaac in front.

Great family! L-R: Lizzy, Jacob, Hannah, Mom, and Dad, with Isaac in front.

You’re all to be commended for the hard work you put in, which resulted in a great outcome for all four kids.

We take our hats off to these wonderful parents, as without their encouragement and support none of this would have happened. Your kids are lucky kids, as these 4-H shows are great learning experiences.

Good luck in college this fall, Jacob. We look forward to seeing all of you next year for another fun season of goat shows!

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Eagle County Fair Preparation: 4-H Kids Pick Out Their Babies

Back in February and March 2019,
our Eagle County kids came out to pick out their baby goats.

We take a look back now at how their 4-H journey started, and then invite you to watch for future posts where we’ll highlight the results from the Eagle County Fair!

The Duke (a.k.s. Ju Ju) far right.

The Duke (a.k.a. Ju Ju) far right.

Jacob picking out The Duke (a.k.a. Ju Ju).

Jacob picking out The Duke (a.k.a. Ju Ju).

Jacob standing him up.

Jacob standing him up.

Jacob has decided on The Duke (Ju Ju).

Jacob has decided on The Duke (Ju Ju).

Gerald holding Won Ton.

Gerald holding Won Ton.

Lizzy with San Antonio.

Lizzy with San Antonio.

Hannah with Scout.

Hannah with Scout.

Hannah with Honey.

Hannah with Honey.

Jacob, Lizzy with Antonio; Dad, Ernie, and Isaac with_WonTon.

Jacob, Lizzy with Antonio; Dad, Ernie, and Isaac with WonTon.

Isaac with Won Ton.

Isaac with Won Ton.

Now they all had their goats, but they couldn’t take them yet—they needed more time to be with their moms. (The goats, not the kids, though maybe the kids did too!)

Several weeks later, the boys and their grandfather came back to take the goats home.

Jacob, Grandpa and Isaac picking up goats.

Jacob, Grandpa and Isaac picking up goats.

Look at the clever box that their Dad made to put the goats in to make the trip! We thought that was pretty creative. It definitely did the trick.

Jacob showing us the box his Dad built to transport the goats.

Jacob showing us the box his Dad built to transport the goats.

Once they got back home, they started working with the goats to make sure they were tame and quiet for the show.

Isaac teaching Won Ton to lead.

Isaac teaching Won Ton to lead.

So that shows you a glimpse into the steps that go into choosing a goat, then taking it home and training it.

In the next post, we’ll show you what happened at the fair. Stay tuned!

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Fun at Mesa County Fair 2019

Mesa County Fair was a lot of fun this year,
especially the Adult Class! (Read more about that below.)

Let’s start with some pictures of the 4-H and FFA kids showing their goats along with some pictures of them with their ribbons.

Benjamin & Max showing their goats.

Benjamin & Max showing their goats.

Look at the concentration!

Look at the concentration!

Max with Banjo

Max with Banjo.

Max & Banjo with ribbon.

Max & Banjo with ribbon.










Lexi getting ready to show her goat.

Lexi getting ready to show her goat.

Taylor, and Kaylee with their goats.

Taylor, and Kaylee with their goats.

The competition was stiff this year. Some classes had up to 12 competitors, and everyone was commenting on how the quality had really improved over what it was last year.

Eliana with Fire Ball.

Eliana with Fire Ball.

Judah with Statler.

Judah with Statler.

Eliana & Judah showing their goats.

Eliana & Fire Ball w_ribbon.

Eliana & Fire Ball w_ribbon.

Judah & Statler w_ribbon.

Judah & Statler w_ribbon.

Asa with his ribbon.

Asa with his ribbon.

Asa with Bamboo.

Asa with Bamboo.













Everyone did great with their goats and they all looked fantastic.

Now for the Adult Showmanship Class!

Quite a few adults entered the ring with some goats to show. There were quite a few of them that did a good job.

Hailey was out there and it was great to see her showing a goat again. Hailey is in college now at CMU but you can see she hasn’t forgotten how to show a goat!  You GO GIRL!

Hailey showing in Adult Class.

Hailey showing in Adult Class.

And here comes Jake!

Hey Jake—seems you could have found just a little smaller goat than the one you have there! Good thing you can bend!

Jake showing Bamboo.

Jake showing Bamboo.

Man Jake is going to end up with a super back ache after this show—but look at the effort he is putting into showing that little Bamboo!

Man he is REALLY working it!

Man he is REALLY working it!

Great job Jake. We were rooting for you and for Hailey, but unfortunately the judge copped out and gave “everyone” third-place ribbons. Darn the bad luck anyway. :( At least here on Swan View Ranch we can highlight the stars. (grin)

Congratulations to all of the 4-H and FFA kids on the great job they did with their goats. They all looked healthy and happy and we loved seeing how they had grown under your care.

We look forward to seeing all of you next year!

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Cattlemen’s Days Gunnison County Fair 2019

Cattlemen's Days - GunnisonOn July 12th, we traveled to Gunnison, Colorado to see the 4H and FFA meat goat show at the Gunnison County Fair—which was part of the “Cattlemen’s Days” events.

We were looking forward to leaving the Grand Valley’s 98-99 degree temperatures behind in favor of Gunnison’s cool mountain air, but most of all we were eager to see how our 4-H customers had done with the wethers they purchased from us last spring.

Here are a couple pics of the kids picking out their goats back when they were babies. Look below to see how much they grew!

Sam and Tristen picking out baby goats.

Sam and Tristen picking out baby goats.

Timber and Aspen picking out their goats.

Timber and Aspen picking out their goats.

When we arrived at the fairgrounds, we saw some of our 4-H kids hurrying around to ready themselves for the show. Their animals looked fantastic clipped and groomed just so, and had grown quite a bit since we’d seen them last.

After scouting them all out and saying “hi” to the kids, we went inside the arena and found a seat where we could watch the show. The organizers had printed up a nice program containing all the details about the classes, the kids showing, and the weight of each of their goats, which was really helpful as we followed along.

The first Market Goat Show was for 60-69 pound wethers. Tristen and her goat “Chev” took second place in that class.

Tristen showing Chev.

Tristen showing Chev.

Tristen with Chev after 2nd place win.

Tristen with Chev after their 2nd-place win.

The second Market Goat Show was for 70-79 pound wethers. Samantha and her goat “Ursel” took 1st place.

Samantha showing Ursel.

Samantha showing Ursel.

Sam with Ursel & 1st place ribbon.

Sam with Ursel and their 1st-place ribbon.

Timber and his goat “John Wayne” took 2nd place in this same class. That was very exciting to watch our two goats place first and second!

Timber shows John Wayne for Judge to check.

Timber shows John Wayne for the judge to check.

Timber with John Wayne & 2nd place ribbon.

Timber with John Wayne and their 2nd-place ribbon.

The third Market Goat Show was for 80-89 pound goats and Aspen took 3rd in this class with her wether “Hot Fudge Sundae.”

Aspen showing Sundae.

Aspen showing Sundae.

Aspen with Sundae & 3rd-place ribbon.

Aspen with Sundae and their 3rd-place ribbon.

Timber, Mom Ivy, and Aspen with their goats & ribbons.

Timber, Mom Ivy, and Aspen with their goats and ribbons.

Following all the Market Goat classes were the Showmanship classes. Senior Goat Showmanship Reserve Grand Champion went to Tristen and her wether “Chev.”

Tristen and Chev with Reserve Grand Champion ribbon.

Tristen and Chev with their Reserve Grand Champion ribbon.

Intermediate Goat Showmanship Reserve Grand Champion went to Samantha with her goat “Ursel.”

Sam & Ursel with Reserve Grand Champion ribbon.

Sam and Ursel with their Reserve Grand Champion ribbon.

Congratulations to all of these 4-H kids for their hard work, dedication, and excellent care they gave to their animals. Also a big thank you to their wonderful parents as it certainly wouldn’t be possible without their help and support.

This year’s trip to Gunnison was even more special as our daughter Colleen was here from Idaho to make the trip with us. After the goat show ended, we toured part of the gorgeous Western Colorado University as Colleen is an alumni. Seems that college gets even more beautiful every time we visit!

Western Colorado University.

Western Colorado University.

We also spent some time downtown grabbing a bite at a cafe and checking out some of the shops. It was afternoon when we reluctantly left—knowing we’d soon be missing the lovely weather!—but we enjoyed surveying the nearly full Blue Mesa Reservoir on our way back. Wow, that water is such a rich shade of blue!

Blue Mesa Reservoir.

Blue Mesa Reservoir.

We’re looking forward to another great show next year. Many of our does are already bred, so we’ll have some big wethers come next spring!

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Two New Bucks Arrive at Swan View Ranch

Two new bucks have joined our herd at Swan View Ranch,
and we’re very excited about it!

The first, KNR Triple Attitude, we’ve had our eye on ever since seeing his sire, Teel BGR Triple Threat, who was purchased in Oklahoma.

Triple Attitudes’s sire has all the qualities we were looking for in a buck, so we were thrilled to be able to get one of his sons.

KNR Triple Attitude with his mom.

KNR Triple Attitude with his mom.

Triple Attitude, or “Tripp” as we call him, was born on June 17, 2018 and comes to us with many ennobled animals in his background, including:

  • Eggs Ceeds Eggspectation
  • PFW Show Me Boers Triple E
  • PFW Show Me Boers 2Dox Way to Easy
  • LAB Lazy  S-T Rip Chord
  • TSTI Windy Acres Strategic Power
KNR Triple Attitude at Swan View Ranch.

KNR Triple Attitude at Swan View Ranch.

We will be  using Tripp next summer with babies to come in December 2019.

The second young buck was rather of an afterthought for us as we were only looking to purchase one buck. When we saw him, though, we knew there was something special about him.

KNR Cash Load.

KNR Cash Load.

After bringing him home, we were extremely pleased that we’d gotten him as well. KNR Cash Load, or “Cash” as we call him, was born March 7, 2018.

Cash comes to us with many ennobled animals in his background as well, including:

  • 4-M Mugsy’s 9082
  • JDKI Harmony Hill Cash the Check
  • BROS Broken S Smokin Hot Popcorn
  • MW8 Westfall’s Classic Cash
  • GGFI Quality Load
KNR Cash Load.

KNR Cash Load.

We have already put three young does in with Cash so we’ll see some of his offspring by the end of March, first of April 2019.

We’re excited to see what these two young bucks will do for our herd next year. Right now we are in the process of transferring ownership of both of them to Swan View Ranch and gathering hair samples for their DNA testing. Look to future posts for pictures of their babies!

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