Swan View Ranch is owned and run by Mary and Gerald. They both love the ranch life, but it’s Mary who’s addicted to raising goats. She got her first goat back in 1980, and since then has spent all her spare time finding only the best bucks and does to add to her herd, while raising happy, healthy babies you can find running and playing around the ranch for a few months each year.

Of course, Mary couldn’t do it without Gerald’s help. He’s the braun behind the brains, building pens, hauling hay, fixing fences, and even stepping in as midwife a few times when Mary isn’t home at that crucial moment. He never knew he had a talent for nursing little ones, but turns out he’s great at it. You can tell when he goes up to the barn and all the babies clamber at his feet!

Now retired, Mary devotes all her time to caring for and improving her herd. She often travels state-to-state searching for the highest quality bucks and does, and over the years has built up a solid group that regularly birth two-three kids each. Besides her children, Mary’s goats are the light of her life, and she’s planning to continue raising them for years to come!

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